

Unkraut – Bluete / Imago

Playlist with
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320 kbps hifi

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97,6 MB

Imago (lat. ‘image’, ‘likeness’) is on the one hand a term “the last stage an insect attains during its metamorphosis” on the other hand “the unconsciously emerging first image of relationship persons, usually of father or mother” (Wikipedia). Both may apply here, because a certain programmatic aspect is definitely present in the music in connection with the speaking titles. Perhaps not necessarily planned from the beginning, as much seems to have arisen spontaneously and intuitively. But in the further course of the tracks they quite stringently follow the first inspiration and develop in itself coherently. At the end then maximum irritation, alienation, guesswork: If only you knew „was der macht in Nacht“.

Unkraut (German for: Weed, Pest Plant)
Unkraut sprouts from the ground, which the DJ & instrumentalist duo Kinky T and Dominik Vogel had already ordered together under this name before. Mainly known for their vinyl sets with digital live percussion and live sets on the modular system, Unkraut are rooted in Acid and Techno, but also are rooted in the realms of breaks, IDM and ambient in all imaginable crossings.

Unkraut prefer to grow away from the growth norms and monocultures of many commercial labels and now jump over to the fertile areas of „der kleine grüne Würfel“.

For Puppe / Imagao you can watch a very nice video on youtube.


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